Rear Rack Spare Tire Rack with Gas Strut for Can Am X3 / X3 Max (2025)

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  • '); } } hideLoader(); } }); } }); //On change of last dropdown do not make any request just enable/disable search btn (here it will be enabled when all ymm fields selected.) - 786 jQuery(document).on('change','select[id^=dropdown]:last',function() { var dropdown_val = jQuery(this).val(); if(dropdown_val == -1) { disableSearch(); } else { enableSearch(); } }); //After Search Filter performs show selected dropdowns values if(tags != "") { if(template_name != "product") { jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: 'jsonp', url: data_url, data: "domain="+shop_domain+"&load=all&subaction=show_all&action=getdropdowns&version=updated&ver_no=2&tags="+encodeURIComponent(tags), success: function(res) { jQuery(".formFields ul.dropdowns").html(res.html); jQuery(".formFields ul.dropdowns").show(); //jQuery(".ymm_box_loading").hide(); jQuery("#ymm_label").show(); var $dropdowns = jQuery(res.html).find('.ymm-filter'); $dropdowns.find('option:first').each(function () { var curr_drop_id = jQuery(this).parent().attr("id"); var curr_text = jQuery(this).text(); var final_lbl = curr_text.replace('Select',select_lbl); var final_lbl_arr = final_lbl.split("--"); jQuery("#"+curr_drop_id+" option:first").text(final_lbl_arr[0]+" "+final_lbl_arr[1]); }); jQuery(".ymm-filter").find("option[value*='none']").html(none_lbl); //Darakhsa added below to solve dropdown position issue - 18 JULY 24 - 786/ASKMPF/92/313 /* clearTimeout(drop_timer); drop_timer = setTimeout(function () { jQuery(".formFields ul.dropdowns").find("select").select2({ dropdownParent: jQuery(".ymm_app"), minimumResultsForSearch: min_res_search, "language": { "noResults": function(){ return no_results_slct; } }}); },100);*/ //ends here - 786 var li_element = jQuery(".formFields ul.dropdowns").find('li.ymm_bttns'); if (!li_element.length) { jQuery(".formFields ul.dropdowns").append('

  • '); } enableSearch(); } }); } else { //786/92 - get ymm product fitment data and display it on the product details page. getYMMFitmentData(tags); } } //On click of Search button build search filter URL jQuery(document).on('click','#ymm_search',function() { var dropval = ""; var loop_cnt = 0; var append_tag = ""; jQuery("#ymm_searchbox .formFields .dropdowns select[id^=dropdown]:visible").each(function(i, e) { dropval = e.value; loop_cnt++; if(dropval != "-1") { if(loop_cnt >= 1) { if(dropval != "") { if(dropval.indexOf("_none")== -1) { append_tag += dropval+"~"; } } } } }); append_tag = removeLastSign(append_tag); if(template_name != "product") { //Redirect to shopify Product for this searched ymm entry jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", jsonp: "callback", dataType: 'jsonp', url: data_url, data: "domain="+shop_domain+"&front_domain="+front_domain+"&action=get_single_product&tags="+encodeURIComponent(append_tag), success: function(res) { window.location.href = res.prd_handle;//786 } }); } else { //Hide YMMbox and show fitments data- 786. jQuery("#ymm_searchbox").hide(); jQuery("#ymm_searchbox").find(".dropdowns").html(""); //If search button clicked on product page then show product fitments data. - 786 tags = append_tag.toString().replace(/~/g, ","); //Update ymm query parameter value in URL without page reload. const ymm_new_url = new URL(window.location); ymm_new_url.searchParams.set("rq", append_tag); window.history.replaceState({}, '', ymm_new_url); //Get YMM fitment data on page load of product details page for this searched ymm entry. - 786 getYMMFitmentData(tags); } }); //Reset function jQuery(document).on('click','#ymm_reset',function() { resetYMMDropdowns(); }); //Reset YMM product fitment means clicked on "check diff. vehicle" btn on product page. - 786 jQuery(document).on('click','#reset_ymm_fitment',function(e) { getDropdownsOnload(); //786 }); //On Click of view other fitments data - 786/92/313/ASM jQuery(document).on('click','#view_fitments',function() { tags = tags.toString().replace(/,/g, "~"); window.location.href = searchURL+"?rq="+tags; }); //When back/forward button is pressed and coming to the page where ymmbox exists then first dropdown value will be resetted not on ymm result page. - 786 jQuery(window).bind("pageshow", function() { if(tags == "") { var form = jQuery('#ymm_form'); form.trigger("reset"); form.find("select.ymm-filter:first").val("-1").trigger('change'); } }); jQuery(document).on('click','#ymm_label',function() { if (jQuery(window).width() < 767) { jQuery(this).next("#ymm_form").slideToggle(); jQuery(this).toggleClass("active"); } }); }); } //Check jquery lib. is already included or not and if version is less then call jquery lib through our App. if ((typeof jQuery === "undefined") || (jQuery.fn.jquery.replace(/\.(\d)/g,".0$1").replace(/\.0(\d{2})/g,".$1") < "1.08.01")) { removeYMMJS(""); //!IMPORTANT window.ymmLoadScript("","ymm_script", function (){ jQuery.noConflict(); ymmInit(); }); } else { ymmInit(); }

    Rear Rack Spare Tire Rack with Gas Strut for Can Am X3 / X3 Max (2025)
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    Author: Lidia Grady

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    Views: 6235

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    Author information

    Name: Lidia Grady

    Birthday: 1992-01-22

    Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

    Phone: +29914464387516

    Job: Customer Engineer

    Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

    Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.