Nathalie Emmanuel is an up-and-coming actress, who is at the beginning of a long and promising career in Hollywood. After starring in major titles likeGame of Thrones and the Fast and the Furious franchise, Emmanuel is growing in popularity at a steady pace.
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With several major roles under her belt, Emmanuel has plenty of notable works for new fans to choose from while exploring her career. According toIMDb, some of Emmanuel's film and television roles are better than others. Fans now have a chance to discover some of the actress's highest-rated works so far.
The Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) - 6.3
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Despite many production delays and various dramas, theMaze Runnerseries has followed in the footsteps of theHunger Gamesfranchisein proving itself to beone of the better adaptations of young adult dystopian books.The Death Curecaps off the trilogy based on the popular James Dashner series.
After The Scorch Trials, this film marks the second appearance of Nathalie Emmanuel's character Harriet, who, though her role is not particularly big in the context of the story, still manages to leave an impression on the audience in her limited screentime.
Die Hart (2020) - 6.2
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Kevin Hart'sDie Hardspoof, aptly titledDie Hart, tells the story of a fictional version of himself who has become fed up with his public persona, choosing to be trained as an action star. The series premiered on the ill-fated streaming platform Quibi, but may indeed find new life in the form of a second season elsewhere.
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Nathalie Emmanuel joins Kevin Hart and John Travolta in the series, playing the character of Jordan King, one of Hart's trainers in the ways of an action hero, who doesn't always have patience for her pupil's shenanigans.
The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) - 6.3
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The Scorch Trialsis the second installment of the dystopianMaze Runnerfranchise, based on the James Dashner novels of the same name. The sequel was not as well-received as its predecessor but did earn enough at the box office to warrant a third film, which would release in 2018.
This film marks the first of two appearances that Emmanuel would make in the franchise as the character of Harriet, a leader among a group of girls that had been locked in a similar maze to that of the main characters from the first film.
Army Of Thieves (2021) -6.4
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2021'sArmy of Thievesis a prequel spinoff to Zach Snyder'sArmy of the Deadin the form of a heist comedy. The film sees the return of Matthias Schweighöfer as Ludwig Deiter from the first film as he joins a criminal team planning on breaking into a set of three infamous historical safes.
Emmanuel plays the character of Gwendoline Starr, a master crook in the game for the thrills. She is the one to recruit Deiter to the team, and the one to ensure he escapes after Interpol catches up with the team. Despite her unlawful tendencies, Gwendoline proves herself to beone ofArmy of Thieves'bravest characters.
The Fate Of The Furious (2017) -6.6
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The eighth entry in what is now collectively known asThe Fast Saga,Fate of the Furious saw the iconic central team reeling after the apparent betrayal of their friend and leader, Dominic Torreto (Vin Diesel). The crew rushes to investigate Dom's sudden heel-turn, discovering a cyberterrorist's plot along the way.
In this film, Emmanuel makes her second of three consecutive appearances in the franchise as Ramsey.One of the more heroic characters in the Fast Saga,Ramsey lends her computer skills to the team once more to help them achieve their difficult goals.
Furious 7 (2015)- 7.1
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Furious 7is the seventh film inThe Fast Saga and the highest-rated entry in the franchise's recent years. The film depicted the central family of street racers turned high-stakes international agents as they battle against the villainous Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham).
Nathalie Emmanuel joins the massive ensemble cast of the Fast and Furiousfranchise as the hacktivist Ramsey.Generally harder to get along with than certain other members of the team, Ramsey's introduction proves her to beone ofFast and Furious's least roommate-worthy characters.
Four Weddings And A Funeral (2019) -7.2
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The 2019 romantic comedyFour Weddings and a Funeralis a Hulu miniseries based on the 1994 British film with the same name.Created by Mindy Kaling (The Office) and Matt Warburton (The Simpsons), the series follows four American friends over the course of a year, as they attend the titular four weddings and one funeral.
Nathalie Emmanuel stars in the main role of Maya Jones, a speechwriter for United States politicians, who joins her friends for a wedding in London, which kicks off the year-long trek that comprises the majority of the show.
Misfits (2009-2013) -8.2
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Misfitsis an irreverent British science-fiction comedy that follows a group ofjuvenile delinquents that obtain superpowers after surviving a storm while performing their government-mandated community service.
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Emmanuel guest-starred in the premiere episode of the third series as the character of Charlie. Charlie is a fellow delinquent assigned to community service, who briefly becomes Rudy's love interest. Unfortunately, Charlie is killed before the end of the episode, dashing any hopes that fans may have had for a longer tenure for Emmanuel on the series.
The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance (2019) - 8.4
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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistanceis a prequel streaming series to the Jim Henson filmThe Dark Crystal.Generally received better than the original movie, the series sets the stage on the fictional world of Thra, as a shaky resistance rises among the Gelfling peoples to overthrow their evil overlords.
Nathalie Emmanuel joins the voice cast as Deet, a member of the Grottan Clan that played a pivotal role in the formation of the rebellion against the Skeksis. Deet is an animal caretaker and a kind soul despite the darkening world around her.
Game Of Thrones (2011-2019) -9.2
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Despite its almost universally hated final season,Game of Throneswas one of the most popular and highest-rated shows of the decade. Based on the George R.R. Martin fantasy seriesA Song of Ice and Fire, the seriesran eight seasons on HBO during its game-changing run.
Emmanuel lends her talents to the series in the role of Missandei, a former slave who rises to the rank of handmaiden and advisor to Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke). This is the role that truly shot Nathalie Emmanuel to stardom, paving the way for many of the projects that she would work on in the future.
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