Can-Am Maverick X3 Wheels For The Can-Am Maverick (X3) Lineup (2025)

Wheels wheels wheels. That’s a specialty of ours here at Everything Can-Am Offroad. Wheels and rims are often some of the first upgrades people make to their Can-Am Maverick X3. This is because when Can-Am designed the Maverick X3, they cut corners on the stock wheels. We hear so many people complain about the look and quality of their Can-Am Maverick’s stock wheels. Not only are they quite plain-looking, but after about a year you’ll start to notice how poorly they hold up. It’s often not so much a matter of if you’ll need to replace your Can-Am Maverick’s wheels, but when. And why simply replace them when you can upgrade? That’s what we’re here for at Everything Can-Am Offroad.

If you’ve dinged up your Can-Am Maverick X3wheels, are thinking about going with a different wheel size, or simply want to change up the style of your UTV, with a set of rims from Everything Can-Am Offroad, you can do all of that and more. Many riders suggest replacing the tires and wheels with a larger 14” set, as running larger-diameter wheels both improves handling and performance. The 14” MSA 20 UTV wheel set with M1 Evil tires is a good combination, but the 30/10/14 Tusk Warthog tires also perform well on MSA wheels. Fuel Offroad also makes quality Can-am Maverick X3wheels and tires. Get some 30x10x15 Cooper STT Pro tires wrapped around some Fuel wheels and your Maverick X3 will be a force to be reckoned with. Be it 30″ Carnivores on M12 Diesel wheels or some 30x10x14 STI Chicane Rx tires with ITP SS rims, you can mix and match your Side by Side’s tire / wheel combination till your heart’s content. But you should also keep in mind unsprung weight when considering wheels for your Can-am Maverick X3. A friend of the site runs 32” Mudder In-Law tires on 14” wheels off of a Commander XT, and boy are those puppies heavy. We normally wouldn’t suggest this, but because his machine has a turbo, it’s able to accommodate the extra weight.

There are so many options when it comes to new wheels for your Can-Am Maverick X3. Your decision will come down to size, look, style, and functionality. Pretty much all of our UTV wheels can be customized by size, color, and bolt pattern. So if you find a set of wheels that catch your eye, you can almost certainly tailor them to fit your particular needs. If you’re going for a new color scheme on your Can-Am Maverick X3, colored wheels can really tie things together nicely. Many of our wheels can be ordered in red, blue, lime green, white, silver, or bronze. A classic matte black always look very nice as well.

In addition to the diameter and weight of a UTV wheel, the offset and backspacing of your Can-Am Maverick X3wheels also plays a big factor. A 4+3 offset will give your Maverick a wider stance, but this also puts more stress on your suspension components. Camber issues are also relatively common on stock Can-Am Maverick X3wheels. Despite all bushings, axles, and A-arms being straight, you may find a slight negative or positive camber in one of your wheels. This is usually caused by a bad wheel bearing, but a depressed or deformed axle nut washer can also be the culprit. If this is the case, simply go to the hardware store and get a 5/8 grade 8 washer and Dremel the I.D. out a little to fit it on the axle. Otherwise, measure eyelet to eyelet on both rear coil overs. If it’s not the wheel bearing or axle washer nut, chances are the side with the camber issue will be shorter. If they are adjustable coil overs, crank it up a bit. If not, it is likely that the spring itself is fatigued and needs to be replaced.

Aside from the decision of which wheels are suitable for your machine based on weight, you should also factor in wheel spacers and a number of other things if you feel suddenly inspired to go after some monster wheels. Worry not if you do because you can find everything you need to make those monster tires a reality here at Everything Can-Am Offroad. The hardest part of choosing wheels for a number of riders who are focused on making their machine look as badass as it sounds and drives is the style of wheel that they want. We completely understand the frustration because of the amount of options we have. Choose the wheels that you think will put a smile on your face when you step back and look at them for the first time. Another thing to be noted with these UTV aftermarket wheels is that they do not dent or break easily, allowing you to fully enjoy your time on the trail or track. Choose from the many options we have for whichever model of Can-Am Maverickyou own, be it the Can-Am Maverick MAX, Can-Am Maverick Sport, Can-Am Maverick Trail, Can-Am Maverick X3, or the Can-Am Maverick X3 MAX.

Upgrade and upsize your Can-Am Maverick’s wheels to some custom badass and sexy rims. Show off your style and aesthetic so your Can-Am Maverick X3becomes the talk of the town. From shiny chrome rims to matte black stealth wheels to stylish bronze ones, Everything Can-Am Offroad has the perfect wheels for your ride. We also carry custom center caps for most wheels. Enjoy features like varied bolt patterns and wheel sizes that range from 12 inches to 24 inches. Get wheels and wheel accessories for your side by side from Everything Can-Am Offroad today!

Can-Am Maverick X3 Wheels For The Can-Am Maverick (X3) Lineup (2025)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.